Friday, October 18, 2013

New & Classic!

Quite the exciting week in gaming for the week of 10/13. The perfect mashup of new and exciting to go along with classic games sort of getting one last chance at glory!

Halo 3:  That's right, the 2007 masterpiece that has Master Chief returning to a covenant infested earth, has made a huge splash this week! Why's that?  Because it's FREE! That is correct, until the end of October, Halo 3 is going to be a free download on Xbox Live for anyone who has an Xbox Live Gold Membership. While I was never very big on playing through the story, Halo 3 was great because of the online play! It was absolutely beautiful with the great maps, and  remember griffball? What a beautiful game!

Wonder Trading: The beautiful new concept that's more addictive than gambling. Wonder Trading is an in game app with Pokemon X &  Y where trainers pick any Pokemon they want and get paired up with another trainer randomly selected. The two then switch Pokemon all within a quick 10 second process. What makes it so addicting is that you never know what the other person has chosen to give you! Sure, you'll have to sit through getting a bunch of Pokemon could care less about, but it's so worth it once you get your favorite, or one that's completely new!

Free PS4: Yes, more free! Taco Bell is giving away specially branded boxes that each come with a special code that could be redeemed for a new Playstation 4 console-before it's released on November 15th!  According to, there is a winner about every 15 minutes, which makes for a lot of happy people, since this campaign will run through till November 10th!


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