Thursday, October 24, 2013

GTA Online Likes and Dislikes

Grand Theft Auto online so far is a huge success as people rank up in the world.  The things I enjoy about Grand Theft auto online are the fact that it places you into a world similar as that to single player where it contains its own missions and activities you can engage in.  The ability to play with up to 16 players in a mission makes them more intense and interesting.  Giving missions a different twist to them other than playing with AI programed teammates who do the same thing every time.  Another cool feature I enjoy in GTA online is the feature of passive mode for a fee of 100 dollars (in game of course) you have the option to go into passive mode this allows you to stop dying ether by accidents or by other players.  It is a good feature if you would just like to keep to yourself and  would like to just drive around and enjoy the sites of Los Santos and Blaine County.  In passive mode you will not be able to equip a weapon which also prevents you from killing anyone with a weapon.
Through the use of your phone in the game you are able to send messeages to other people in the same server and invite them to do missions and talk to them.  The ablility to rank up your characters skills  gives the game a nice feel to character building making it seem like your character is growing and  become more attuned to the world around them.
A dislike that I have for the online of the game is that if you are not in passive mode any player can come up pop you in the head and then take your  money.  Granted that is part of the game and feature many people enjoy it can get annoying though if you need to go idle and walk away from your system espically if you dont want to waste the money on passive mode.  An upside to being "ganked" is that if a character harashes you enough or takes enough money you can place a bounty on there heads. Which will direct other players to try and take them out for the reward.  Another dislike is that higher levels prey upon the lower levels.  Meaning  that higher levels have better gear and guns and them use that to there advatange going after noobs (new comers). Despite the few dislikes i have based on my opinion GTA online is an experience that any GTA fan would like to enjoy.


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