Thursday, October 17, 2013

Grand Theft Auto Online Experince

I have been playing Grand Theft Auto online for few days now since it came out.  The game drops you into the city of Los Santos part of Blaine County in the San Andreas area.  In the game you can be placed into a server with up 16 other players or you can choose to start a solo session where you will be the only person in the server.  When you first start the online part of the game you have the ability to create your own character (male or female) and customize them to look the way you want.  My character is a male in his late 20's who looks like guy that can be clean cut and work a legal job.  You then choose where you want to put your skill points in order to create your characters skills to your liking.
Throughout the game though you do rank up and increase your skills.  My rank in the game is only level 8 there are some people on the game who are already level 25 and higher.  Compared to most characters my character is not nearly as good as other people but I enjoy the way I have made my character.  The way you create your character chooses the types of clothing you start out with at the beginning of the game but after a few missions you can go to the store and buy some new clothing.  My character when he first started out he was wearing a tuxedo after a few missions I was able to go to the discount clothing store and pick out some new clothes.  I chose to wear a black t-shirt with jeans and sneakers giving my character a more average guy look who is ready to cause some chaos in the city of Los Santos.  I was then able to choose a car that you make as your own custom vehicle.  So far the game experience is a lot of fun and I would recommend it to anyone who has an internet connection and owns the game.


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