Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Top 5 Zelda Games

Legend of Zelda is the best game series ever. Done. Discussion is over, and i could end the blog here also but, there's just so much awesomness in each game that narrowing down to 5 is nothing short of a miracle!

5)Wind Waker
Let me be the first to say when this first came out I had a very hard time accepting the graphics. Yes, you should never judge something by its cover, especially something that has not let you down ever in the past, but what can I say I was 12.  Also important to note I did have to play this game a few times before actually appreciating its story but in the end, it won me over! I started to love this game right at the beginning where you're shot from the canon and land in the fortress to find your sister. Sneaking around without a sword. Totally different than sneaking around Gerudo Fortress because giant pig monsters. To make this short what Wind Waker lacked for me visually it made up with giant awesome bosses and an underwater Hyrule Castle. So awesome
4)Twilight Princess
A game I was so stoked for its release. This game sold me right away with the whole dark world adventure right at the begining of the game. I liked how it went back to the "ocarina of time hyrule" but even without that familiarity factor running around with Midna as a wearwolf turned out to be one of the greatest adventures. Also Zant. And battling Stallord while using the spinner to attack his spine? SOLD!

 3)Ocarina of Time
The greatest game of all time. For me it was also. Even after beating it 67 times it cant get old. For me this was the first game I ever knew, so it will always have a special place with me. I actually had some trouble with this game in the beginning to the point that I would beat the game as far as I could without attaining the bow and arrows cause I HATED the forest temple. I mean Hate. More than the water temple(which is not that bad). I hated the shadows of claws from the ceiling, I hated the twisted hallways, and for whatever reason I never realized by myself you can move those giant blocks. ya know the ones in like, the third room? Terrible. But, when I finally slayed Phantom Ganondorf those feelings of hate turned love, because its my greatest accomplishment to date. shut up.

2)Skyward Sword
In short, my opinion is that they finally found the happy medium between every other Zelda game and incorporated it into this game. I know a lot of critics and fans hate on this game and probably because of the repetition of going back to the desert the forest and the volcano. O and don't click on Hero mode at the end if you haven't finished the side quests. That being said this Zelda game was way more of a challenge for me than any other I've ever played. Mainly because the enemies got just a little bit smarter and blindly waving your sword at them blindly wont be a definite kill. The upgradable shields and weapons made it so much more satisfying and when you finally get the Hylian shield you feel as though you deserve it!

1)Majora's Mask
The darkest and most original Zelda game. A game so in depth and scary you completely disregard the timer clicking away at the bottom of the screen. I've read a million theories on this game of how this game is just the four stages of death, and how Link wandered so far into the lost woods he is just becoming a Stalfos. Which is supported a little bit by the appearance of the Hero's Shade in Twilight Princess. The death theory also explains why everyone looks the same as Ocarina of Time, as Link is just in a "limbo" state that his mind just creates images that he's know. Collecting masks with individual abilities and used for different tasks is just a better goal  than running around trying to rescue Zelda. What really sealed the deal for me was Goht the mechanical bull. Never had I had so much fun fighting a boss in a game as I did rolling around as a Goron trying to catch the bull. Also Goron races. I think mainly I'm just a giant fan of being the Goron!


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