Thursday, October 31, 2013

Left 4 Dead 2

With today being Halloween I decided to blog a game that ties into the horror category.  The game I chose was Left 4 Dead 2.  In this game you are placed into a world over run by zombies and its up to you with the help of your teammates to navigate your way through zombie infested areas in order to reach the safe zone.  This game is a first person shooter and a hack and slash so the action is fast paced.  Created by Valve in 2009.
 Based in the Southern part of America.In this game you play as either Coach who is an African American male he was a coach at the high school he worked at.  Rochelle who is a young African American women. Nick who is a Caucausian male who is your typical rich gambler type and Ellis who is a caucausian hill billy.
In this game you can choose to play as one of them at the start of the mission.  Zombies in this game are your typical zombies who are infected with the rage virus this means they aren't your slow paced zombies.  Zombies come charging at you full once they see you and they also attack in numbers so teamwork is the key to survival in this game.  Without the use of your teammates your gonna end up being "zom bate"  The game was programmed to give you a different experince each time you played this means that certian things in the map may change such as different rooms being barracaded, zombies spawn in different locations and certian weapons area based on how you are playing the game.  Health items such as medpacks, and pills are also affected by the different location spawning.
This game contains single player mode and multiplayer.  In single player you work your way through the campaign.  Online you can ethier play the campaign with people or do a verse match where one side is zombies and the other side is survivors.  The game contains a mode called realism in this the game becames realistic in the fact that only shooting zombies in the head will stop them and you can't pause the game until you complete this mission so you need to keep moving.  Left 4 Dead 2 is an amazing game that provides hours of entertainment. Anyone who enjoys tons of zombie killing with a variety of weapons such as guns and blunt objects will enjoy this game.

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