Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hot or Hype? Pokemon X/Y

So it's been a few weeks since the release of Pokemon X/Y and I thought it was definitely worth the money! Here's my take..

Game play is very easy- I understand that it's geared towards the younger fan but, maybe it's time Nintendo realized that a good percentage of people playing these game have grown up with the franchise. Maybe put levels of difficulty in the next game? That'd be cool!

Poison & Walking- I was shocked. For the first time in 6 generation walking with a poisoned pokemon had no effect on it's HP what so ever! No static noise when walking is the greatest thing.

Roller Blades- You're given them fairly early in the game and they definitely make things go a lot faster, that is, once you get used to them. Sometimes they just go to fast and then you are forced into using the arrows and who wants to use them anyway?

Overall the game actually met most of the hype. Awesome Sky battles, amazing detail in the 3D world, mega evolutions were a hit, you are given a Lucario by the third gym, and my favorite aspect of the game is the playing field is now level when it comes to breeding and EV training.

Something I never bothered with to much because it just didn't seem worth it was training the EV's and breeding for perfect IV's. But now, X/Y make it so simple that even people like myself, who have no experience with the whole breeding aspect, can become the best competitive trainer!

OVERALL- If you've ever loved Pokemon once, you should buy this game.


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