Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Assassins's Creed 4: Black Flag

Ubisoft has done it again and has successfully released a another Assassins Creed game following the storyline of the Assassin Creeds that came before it.  Based in the year 1715 you take on the role of Edward Kenway a pirate in the Caribbean.  He is the grandfather of Conner the Assassin (the assassin you play as in Assassin's Creed 3).  Black Flag contains one of the biggest maps so far in the AC series majority of the map is ocean though hence you are a pirate and  naval use is very common.  AC4 contains all the same types of features that the other games had before it such as Main story line, side missions, assassination contracts, mini games, discovering areas, collecting collectables and other activities.
AC4 brings you into a world that captures what Caribbean life would be like during the age of piracy.  The sound effects give you a feel for what it might have sounded like during that age with drunk pirates running around and soldiers trying to maintain the order.  Edward Kenway is a very lively character who fits the role of pirate where all that truly matters is making money in order to live like a king.  A big feature in the game is naval combat which is very well done in an open sea you go against enemy warships with the ability to board loot and plunder them. Another neat feature to the game is the collecting of shanties once you collect them your crew on your ship will learn them and sing them while your sailing around the ocean.  The ability to upgrade your ship and gear is an important feature in the game due to the fact that higher level enemies will wreck havoc on your ship.  AC 4 completely captures the goal Assassin's Creed is suppose to project and in my opinion is the best one by far.


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