Friday, November 29, 2013

Gaming Sound Tracks

What makes a great gaming soundtrack?

Just like with movies, music in video games has helped carry games by injecting them with feeling. Case and point, "Majora's Theme" from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, gave the game these overall creepy feel. Even with new age games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. During an intense chase scene, they have perfectly place heavy guitar riffs under the sounds of explosions and gun shots that it sucks you into the game!

But than, there was the classic 8-bit Sonic, Tetris, and Pac-Man games. They worked perfectly too. Not as engaging that they have entire symphonies after them like Zelda or Final Fantasy, but still they worked. Catchy underlining themes that kept the user engaged and allowed them to think easier, because that's the power of music. My point being, you can have the greatest game in the world, perfect story, characters, cut scenes, battles, and overall game play, however the music makes the game. Something catchy, simple, and not in your face; that's the formula for making great gaming music.


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