Friday, November 29, 2013

Gaming Sound Tracks

What makes a great gaming soundtrack?

Just like with movies, music in video games has helped carry games by injecting them with feeling. Case and point, "Majora's Theme" from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, gave the game these overall creepy feel. Even with new age games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. During an intense chase scene, they have perfectly place heavy guitar riffs under the sounds of explosions and gun shots that it sucks you into the game!

But than, there was the classic 8-bit Sonic, Tetris, and Pac-Man games. They worked perfectly too. Not as engaging that they have entire symphonies after them like Zelda or Final Fantasy, but still they worked. Catchy underlining themes that kept the user engaged and allowed them to think easier, because that's the power of music. My point being, you can have the greatest game in the world, perfect story, characters, cut scenes, battles, and overall game play, however the music makes the game. Something catchy, simple, and not in your face; that's the formula for making great gaming music.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect is a Sci-Fi Role playing game created by Bioware. Experience all three award winning Mass Effect titles at an amazing value with Mass Effect Trilogy. Become the galaxy's most elite soldier and lead an all-out war to stop an ancient and ruthless enemy. With over 75 hours of content and more than 300 awards, one of gaming’s most acclaimed franchises is available for the first time in a premium foiled box set.  Create and customize your own character with his or her appearance and skills, then play your Commander Shepard through all three Mass Effect games.  Experience an amazingly rich and detailed universe where your decisions have profound consequences on the action and the outcome.  Build a personalized arsenal with powerful weapons complete with their own upgrades and modifications.  Unleash devastating abilities and skills as you command and train an elite squad.  Take the war online with class-based, co-operative multi-player in Mass Effect 3.

Heart-pounding action meets gripping interactive storytelling as you decide how your story unfolds.  The choices you make in the game are a direct result in how outcomes may happen in the game.  An example would be if you choose to save someone they may reward you later or may reappear in the game on the opposite side if you choose not to help them they may not be around later in the story line or will not be willing to help you.  The combat system in Mass effect is that of an RPG where you choose a target and attack it at the same time though the game contains a third person shooter perspective that allows for fast paced action which keeps you on your toes as enemies may try to flank and outmaneuver you to get a better shot.  Overall out of all the games I have ever played Mass Effect stand above them all It is easy to say that the Mass Effect Trilogy is one of my favorite games and always will nothing has even come close to comparing to this master piece.  I would recommend this trilogy to everyone who has ever played video games and is looking for a storyline that brings you into the action.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Call of Duty World at War

Call of Duty World at War (CoD:WaW) is a first person shooter (fps) that places you in some of the most gruesome battles of World War II.  In this game you play in two different campaigns that are contained in one single player storyline.  In this game you either play as a American soldier that is engaged in battles in the Pacific with the Japanese Empire.  The other soldier you play as is a Russian soldier fighting the German army on the Eastern Front (Russia/German territory).  The combat systems of the enemy are different depending on who you are fighting (The German soldiers will fight in a more defensive matter, where the Japanese will charge and try to overwhelm you).  The starting missions of the game take place more towards the beginning of the war but after the first few missions the game jumps to battles that took place in a more later period of the war towards the end of the war in the closing months.  The game tires to capture the essence of what the war would be like with men getting limbs destroyed by near by explosions along with just getting shot
I feel that COD: World At War was the last of the fps that focused on World War 2 it seems to mark the end of a genre.  Due to the fact that after this game the COD series took a more modern day approach to their games with such titles as Modern Warfare, Ghosts, and Black Ops.  World at war also contains  multilayer that allows people to play in matches against other players in such games as death match, team death match, and capture the flag.  I'm not really sure how many people still play online since the game is now dated by 5 years.  Waw also introduced the feature Nazi Zombies which was the beginning of the CoD Zombies Feature.  Call of Duty World at War will always be one of my favorite games and that is in all due to the single player storyline that allows you to experience the battles of World War II.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Link Between Worlds

Well I've always wanted a Paper Zelda game and I guess this is as close as I'll ever get. I've researched nothing about his game other than what I've seen on commercials and I'm still stoked to by it and I'll tell you why.

Because every 3D Zelda game has been perfect. Yes, Im including SkyWard Sword, who even though, repeatedly had the gamer going back over and over to the same 3 places managed to make up for it with an awesome story, interactive characters, and a whole new way to attack using the WiiMote.
The innovations from the Legend Of Zelda series are what I'm most looking forward to, and why I'll always trust them when I buy a game.  There's always somethign new. Ocarina of Time was the first 3D Zelda game, Majoras Mask then had the mask system and transformations, Wind Waker had the talking boat and the great sea, and Skyward Sword gave us the look into how Hyrule became itself and introduced an incredible attack system. 

So although every Zelda game might have the same premise of rescue the princess or save the day, it's what has been introduced into the series time and time again and keeps it refreshing that makes me constantly buy the games.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Assassins's Creed 4: Black Flag

Ubisoft has done it again and has successfully released a another Assassins Creed game following the storyline of the Assassin Creeds that came before it.  Based in the year 1715 you take on the role of Edward Kenway a pirate in the Caribbean.  He is the grandfather of Conner the Assassin (the assassin you play as in Assassin's Creed 3).  Black Flag contains one of the biggest maps so far in the AC series majority of the map is ocean though hence you are a pirate and  naval use is very common.  AC4 contains all the same types of features that the other games had before it such as Main story line, side missions, assassination contracts, mini games, discovering areas, collecting collectables and other activities.
AC4 brings you into a world that captures what Caribbean life would be like during the age of piracy.  The sound effects give you a feel for what it might have sounded like during that age with drunk pirates running around and soldiers trying to maintain the order.  Edward Kenway is a very lively character who fits the role of pirate where all that truly matters is making money in order to live like a king.  A big feature in the game is naval combat which is very well done in an open sea you go against enemy warships with the ability to board loot and plunder them. Another neat feature to the game is the collecting of shanties once you collect them your crew on your ship will learn them and sing them while your sailing around the ocean.  The ability to upgrade your ship and gear is an important feature in the game due to the fact that higher level enemies will wreck havoc on your ship.  AC 4 completely captures the goal Assassin's Creed is suppose to project and in my opinion is the best one by far.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Super Smash is Coming!

Sometime in 2014! TBA to be exact. The new Super Smash Bros. installment will be released! What's good about this one?

New Characters: MEGAMAN! Animal Crossing Villigar. Wii Fit Trainer? That became slightly weirder with every word I typed. But as we say hello to these ones we may be bidding farewell to Star Wolf(Wolf O' Donnell), Toon Link, The Pokemon Trainer, Solid Snake, and Lucario.

Now most of these characters will probably still be there in spirit. Or movesets at least. Much like Lucario replaced Mewtwo or Toon Link taking over for Young Link. The ones that leave me the saddest are the possible departure of Pokemon Trainer Red and Solid Snake.

Solid Snake- As he really is not part of the "Nintendo Family" he's easy to give the chop to. Snake has not had much relevance on a Nintendo based system since Snake Eater 3D. With him gone I almost assume MegaMan to take over his moveset. Though it seems much more likely someone like MegaMan will go hand in hand with Samus. KABOOM!

Pokemon Trainer Red- I'll miss you. Not really, but I will miss Charizard. Because I don't think the Pokemon Trainer is going anywhere. Especially since X/Y just came out. However, don't be surprised to see him have a new arsenal of Pokemon including a legendary maybe?


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Story Line of GTA 4

When the original Grand Theft Auto 4 came out you were able to play as one character.  This character was Niko Bellic,  he is an Eastern European who has a shady past.  After being involved in a war and serving in the merchant navy, Niko decides its time for a change.  After receiving multiple emails from his cousin Roman who is living in Liberty City. In his emails to Niko he tells him that he is living the American dream in a mansion with women, money, sports cars and many other fine luxuries.  This gives Niko the option to Immigrate to Liberty City which he decides to choose.
Upon arriving at the city Niko meets up with his cousin and finds out that his cousin has stretched the truth a little and that the only way they are going to achieve the American dream is if they work together.  All Roman has is a shitty apparent and works for a cab company, he does have a girlfriend that he loves very much.  Roman has a problem with gambling that lands him in a lot of trouble with leads Niko to constantly help and save his cousin.  This ranges from stealing, beating up and killing a lot of shady characters.  Niko also gets involved with people dealing with a lot of illegal doings, he also crosses path with agents ether from the FIB or just regular police some of them.  This leads Niko all around the city getting into all different types of situations which more than likely require him to have to fight for his life in order to survive.  But hey how else are you going to achieve the American dream if you can't crack a few skulls.


Hot or Hype? Pokemon X/Y

So it's been a few weeks since the release of Pokemon X/Y and I thought it was definitely worth the money! Here's my take..

Game play is very easy- I understand that it's geared towards the younger fan but, maybe it's time Nintendo realized that a good percentage of people playing these game have grown up with the franchise. Maybe put levels of difficulty in the next game? That'd be cool!

Poison & Walking- I was shocked. For the first time in 6 generation walking with a poisoned pokemon had no effect on it's HP what so ever! No static noise when walking is the greatest thing.

Roller Blades- You're given them fairly early in the game and they definitely make things go a lot faster, that is, once you get used to them. Sometimes they just go to fast and then you are forced into using the arrows and who wants to use them anyway?

Overall the game actually met most of the hype. Awesome Sky battles, amazing detail in the 3D world, mega evolutions were a hit, you are given a Lucario by the third gym, and my favorite aspect of the game is the playing field is now level when it comes to breeding and EV training.

Something I never bothered with to much because it just didn't seem worth it was training the EV's and breeding for perfect IV's. But now, X/Y make it so simple that even people like myself, who have no experience with the whole breeding aspect, can become the best competitive trainer!

OVERALL- If you've ever loved Pokemon once, you should buy this game.